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Wiltshire Woman Receives Suspended Sentence For Trade Mark Offences

Kesini Krueanarong, of Salisbury, Wiltshire, has been handed a 12-month prison sentence (suspended for 12 months) under the Trade Marks Act 1994 for possession of counterfeit handbags in the course of business. Ms Krueanarong was also given 100 hours of unpaid work and ordered to pay costs of £12,958 as well as a victim surcharge.

From December 2020 to February 2021, numerous complaints were made to Wiltshire Trading Standards in respect of Ms Krueanarong selling counterfeit goods, however Ms Krueanarong claimed she was simply selling her own personal items. Another complaint followed in August of the same year from an individual who had purchased 70 handbags from Ms Krueanarong via her Facebook page.

Ms Krueanarong was also in receipt of multiple warning letters from UK Border Force after packages addressed to her were intercepted and found to contain further counterfeit goods. Then, in June 2022, Trading Standards officers raided her home, seizing 361 handbags in total of which 344 were discovered to be counterfeit following examination.

The sentence was handed down to Ms Krueanarong following a hearing before Salisbury Crown Court on 2 August 2024.

If you have any questions on the above, feel free to contact a member of the team at 0191 281 4000 or alternatively at legal@mcdanielslaw.com.

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