Rick Astley has issued court proceedings in the US relating to his 1987 hit “Never Gonna Give You Up”. Rapper Yung Gravy released a song called “Get Money” which features an imitation of Astley’s vocals in “Never Gonna Give You Up”. The best way to get an overview of the issue is to listen to the two songs. The claim, issued in Los Angeles on 26 January, asserts that Astley’s voice is immensely distinctive and popular and that Yung’s impersonation violated Astley’s right of publicity and that the public would not be able to tell the difference between the impersonation and the original. To that end, the claim asserts that the impersonation sounds like a sample of Astley’s voice, which is it not. Astley’s track has been particularly popular in the social media age, being used for several viral memes and related videos. If you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact the team at McDaniels Law on 0191 281 4000 or legal@mcdanielslaw.com. in: Case Law, Copyright, EU/International, Legal News, News

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The production company behind the hit UK TV show Peaky Blinders has successfully blocked a Polish coin maker from registering