Boston Red Sox owner, John Henry, announced on Friday that the Sox intend to withdraw its trade mark application at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) for the mark ‘Boston’. The news comes amid significant pushback from other Boston sports teams and businesses. In a statement published in the Boston Herald, Henry seemingly blamed Major League Baseball (“MLB”) for filing the applications, however the applications themselves are registered to only one applicant – Boston Red Sox Baseball Club. Henry wrote “MLB initiated, oversaw, and directed a trade mark application on behalf of three of its clubs, including the Boston Red Sox (and Mariners and Astros). MLB — not the Boston Red Sox — initiated this filing. Today, at our request, MLB has agreed to withdraw the application. MLB’s intent was to protect these clubs’ use of their city name in connection with professional baseball services and apparel, not an attempt to own the city name or prevent others from using the city name.” Though Henry claims the applications were initiated by MLB, Henry’s Fenway Sports Group, also owners of Liverpool FC, previously unsuccessfully attempted to trade mark ‘Liverpool’ at the UK Intellectual Property Office. If you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact the team at McDaniels Law on 0191 281 4000 or in: Case Law, Companies, EU/International, Legal News, News, Trade Marks

Hermès Successful in French Infringement Case
Luxury fashion brand Hermès has recently been successful in defending its iconic Kelly and Birkin bags against a company called