The China Copyright Protection Centre has recently implemented a process to facilitate the online registration of copyright works, meaning that applicants no longer need to submit paper applications in the post. There is no requirement to register copyright works in the United Kingdom but that position is not shared in all jurisdictions. The USA and China, for example, have requirements and processes for copyright registration. This new development in China marks a move towards a more electronic age in which a continual flow of paper is not always necessary or required. The change comes alongside further upgrades including applicants being able to register short videos to prove the creation process of works and a large upload file size limit. Artificial intelligence will also be harnessed to reduce duplicate registrations. If you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact the team at McDaniels Law on 0191 281 4000 or in: Civil Procedure, Copyright, EU/International, Legal News, News Share this page

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