Ye, known formally as Kanye West is purported to have made 26 filings at the United States Patent & Trademark Office for the mark “YEWS”.

The filings were made on 02 October 2023 and although Ye is not formally named in the application, the applicant, a company called Ox Paha Inc., shares the same office address as Ye. The filings were made by law firm Weeks Nelson, the same firm Ye is known to have previously instructed.

The applications have been made against various classes for various goods and services including clothing, gambling, restaurants and home décor consultancy services. It is to be seen how the mark is intended to be used and if it is really Ye behind the applications.

If you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact the team at McDaniels Law on 0191 281 4000 or

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