The EUIPO maintains a web page dedicated to informing its users and their clients about receiving unsolicited emails from organisations requesting payment for trade mark and design services. Such emails may be accompanied by misleading invoices. To date, the EUIPO has reported such correspondence relating to publication, registration or entry in business directories. Such communications are likely to be fraudulent or misleading and any recipient should check with their legal advisors or the EUIPO in unsure about the legitimacy of such emails. The sometimes fictional organisations have nothing to do with the EUIPO and may be seeking to take advantage of publicly available details associated with the EU trade mark and design registers. The page can be accessed here and contains links to examples of misleading invoices as well as a list of fictional organisations from whom they may supposedly originate. If you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact the team at McDaniels Law on 0191 281 4000 or in: EU/International, Legal News, News Share this page

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